How can we help?

We can change the way we think about dementia.
Instead of fighting against it like a disease, we can work with it as a disability.
This approach will improve the person’s well-being and may even help to slow their decline.
We need to be aware that they are already doing their best to make sense of things.
It may be impossible for them to adapt to our understanding of reality.
But we can learn how to adapt to theirs, using a simple ABC of skills.

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Understanding Dementia and Lessening its Impact
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Thank you for your support and generosity
“I ... support people with Dementia in care homes and Day Centres... I appreciated the fact that your talk focused on the way to communicate and work positively with people with Dementia rather than focus on the memory issues itself. I found the 'ABC' format a very useful way of remembering this approach. To focus on the feelings of the person with Dementia and putting them at the heart of our approach ... to ensure the person has autonomy and to support a client centred approach. This is often missed or not focused on enough during training courses.”
Paula SearanckeOccupational Therapist
"Shirley has helped me greatly with my understanding of Dementia... Having this greater understanding has enabled me to change my approach with caring for someone with dementia. This has had a very positive effect on both our well beings! It does involve approaching things very differently but in a way that makes sense.”
Simon ClancyFamily Carer
“[I invited] Shirley [to deliver] a session... in the tearoom... It was really informative and has given me a greater sense of how to assist both those living with it and those caring... It was so useful to have different ways of approaching our customers in our daily work to make them feel more at ease... I would highly recommend this training, be it in a group environment or a dedicated team.”
Emma SavilleOwner, Emma’s Kitchen, Twyford, Berkshire