Help support our long-term work

There are many ways in which you could support us:


Donate to us

Your donation will enable us to continue offering our training for free to family and friend dementia carers. Donate Online Now

Please remember that if you pay tax, when you donate to us you can add Gift Aid, meaning 25% will be added to your gift at no extra cost to you.

Make us your Charity of the Year

Whether it’s your company, your club, your child’s school or your local pub, please consider making us your Charity of the Year.



Create a fundraiser

You could consider asking people to donate to us for your birthday, or other special occasion, via a Facebook Fundraiser or undertake a sponsored challenge to raise money for us. You could run your own on or offline quiz, cake sale or other event for us. Let your imagination flow! 

Payroll Giving

If you’re working, the Payroll Giving scheme is an easy, tax-effective way to donate. Many large organisations operate this scheme, just ask your payroll / HR department. Donations are deducted from your pay before tax is calculated.



Come to our Fundraising events

We run yearly events, including a Barn Dance and a Quiz Night. So sign up, and support us, involve some friends and have some fun!

Sell items and give us the proceeds

Whether on eBay or elsewhere, if you’re having a clear-out and would like to sell some items for our benefit, then we would welcome any and all extra funds.



Get schools involved

If you have children or other family members at school, consider approaching their school to make us their Charity of the Year, or undertake other fundraising activities for us.

Help spread the word on Social Media

Please follow, like and share our posts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and help spread awareness of the training that we offer.



Raise money as you shop

If you sign up to Easyfundraising then your shopping can make money for Understanding Dementia. For free. Whenever you shop online with thousands of retailers, they will make a small donation to us – it couldn’t be easier to combine a fun activity with supporting us!

Gifts in Memory and Legacies

These can be a wonderful way to help others in memory of a loved one. Rather than sending flowers, family members can invite mourners to make a donation to Understanding Dementia. A charitable legacy can help us improve the lives of more people with dementia and those caring for them. Please ask for details.


Thank you for your support and generosity


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£5.00 inc P&P (UK)